Winter X 2018: Snowmobile Speed & Style Wrap-Up + Videos

Winter X Snowmobile Speed & Style is a combination of snocross racing and freestyle. The competition included LaVallee, Elam, Turcotte, Davis, Frisby, Penner, Poirier, and Parsons and they didn’t disappoint! After the quarter & semi-finals were settled, it was Elam and Davis to compete for bronze, and Turcotte and LaVallee battling for gold and silver.
Davis and Elam battled, Cory blocked Willie in the first corner, but in the end, Davis’ signature whip couldn’t out-score Elam’s flip tricks. Congrats to Elam on his first X-Games medal. Here is their bronze medal run: Not to be outperformed, Levi LaVallee and Brett Turcotte threw down for the gold medal run. While Brett came into the first corner hot, Levi took advantage and gave Brett a “nudge”. But that didn’t slow Brett down much. He closed the gap while they both performed tricks, combos, and flip variations with huge extensions. In the end, Turcotte came out with the win, likely in-part to his new one-handed take-off to body variable. Here is their gold medal run:
The dedication that these snowmobile athletes have to “throw around” their 450lb snowmobiles is second to none. Thanks to all Speed & Style competitors for another amazing show!