OFSC investing $2.4 million in grooming fleet

New and upgraded equipment heading to key areas of Ontario
The Ontario Federation of Snowmobiling Clubs is making a $2.4 million winter tourism investment by strengthening its provincial grooming fleet. Through its Industrial Groomer Program, this OFSC investment from permit sales revenues is for 22 capital equipment projects.
According to the OFSC, these projects will significantly improve the snowmobile trails that generate $1.2 billion in economic activity for the province each winter. The placement of new or upgraded grooming equipment in many key areas of the province will enhance the capability of local snowmobile clubs to resurface their trails more consistently and effectively. The average cost of a new groomer unit runs from $190,000 to $225,000, depending on make and options.
“Our goal is to get as many of these units on the snow as possible this winter, while the rest will be available for the 2011 season,” says Mike Farr, OFSC trails programs manager. “Snowmobilers should be pleased to see their permit dollars at work in this very tangible way.”
For the 2010 season, OFSC clubs are operating 339 pieces of heavy industrial equipment presently valued at over $22 million. Last winter, OFSC clubs groomed 102,394 hours and purchased 1.2 million liters of fuel for grooming operations. The annual cost per kilometer to operate the OFSC’s almost 40,000 kilometers of snowmobile trails is estimated at $496 or about $20 million for the entire provincial system.
This recent $2.4 million OFSC groomer investment complements the previously announced $4.1 million funding made possible by Canada’s Economic Action Plan for trail infrastructure improvements that the OFSC and its clubs are currently utilizing to enhance winter tourism in Ontario.