ISMA releases ‘Make it Snow’ snow dance video

Can this be the ‘Chocolate Rain’ of snowmobile videos?
If you’re looking for a snowmobile-related laugh, the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (ISMA) might have just the thing for you.
The ISMA produced a ‘Make it Snow’ snow dance video which it says was designed to help promote snowmobiling. Whether or not snowmobiling gets a popularity boost from this video remains to be seen, but it’s certainly worth a look just for an embarrassing laugh.
The big question, of course, is will the ‘Make it Snow’ snow dance video become the latest viral video and YouTube smash. If so, it will have to compete with the likes of Chocolate Rain, Obama Girl and Charlie bit my finger – again.
You can check out the ‘Make it Snow’ snow dance video on the official ISMA website or on YouTube.