Vintage Yamaha SnoScoot [video]

Snowmobiles have come a long way in just a short amount of time. One glance at the recently released 2012 snowmobile lineups will leave most snowmobile enthusiasts with mouths agape as they try to think of a way to get one of those new sleds into their garages.
Just think how much better sleds are than they were just 10 years ago. Four-stroke technology has blossomed and two-stroke engines are running cleaner and quieter than ever before. Engines are smoother and more powerful while suspension systems are constantly evolving. However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t look fondly back at the sleds of yesteryear from time to time.
A recent perusing of YouTube revealed the diminutive Yamaha SnoScoot is still bringing smiles to the faces of some owners. It certainly won’t zip across the lake at 100 mph, but what young snowmobiler wouldn’t have a blast tooling around the snow on this little scoot?
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